
I definitely was experiencing some atrial fluttering during that episode. (Just as a total aside – could we STOP putting Glenn in traumatic situations just for one epsiode!?)

The episode left me with many different thoughts but the main take away theme for me was  about Rick and his unconquerable spirit. Rick continually displays this and is the reason my character attachment is deepening and probably causing some of my colleagues and friends to be somewhat concerned !

I couldn’t help but wonder why I find it so exhilarating when Rick brings the rage. I have written about this in previous posts about this “killing machine” aspect of his character make up.

I thought to myself that surely this was tapping into some alpha male behavioural archetype? There must be some gladiatorial appeal going on. Obviously Rick is in a somewhat different environmental landscape compared to the murderous games at the gladiatorial shows, but the bottom line is they are fighting for survival.

Upon further contemplation and research I have concluded it’s the warrior archetype – yup that is my thing with men.  I studied a lot of literature and character analysis and archetypes at university. Perhaps I should of been paying more attention to this application in my ancient history lessons. I was throwing the word “ hero”  around today to describe Rick. I know that will divide a lot of people but I truly stand by that comment. If nothing else I just find this an interesting point to examine.

Robert Moore says that “The characteristics of the Warrior in his fullness amount to a total way of life, what the samurai called a do (pronounced ‘do’). These characteristics constitute the Warrior Dharma, Ma’at, or Tao, a spiritual or psychological path through life.”

(I am not about to write a dissertation on Rick’s character traits throughout all 5 seasons but it’s easy to identify that he has the below  personality traits…)

In essence, the summary of warrior traits are detailed as the following – aggressive, purpose, mindful, adaptable, minimal, decisive, skillful, loyal, disciplined and emotionally detached. The point I like most is the creative destroyer aspect which means

“The Warrior is the archetype of destruction. However, the Warrior in his fullness only destroys in order to “make room for something new and fresh and more alive.”His is an act of creative destruction–he doesn’t tear things down simply for the pleasure of doing so. We call upon the Warrior archetype when we quit bad habits and replace them with better ones

Don’t we see this happen time and time again with Rick?

He often gets criticised for ruining, tearing something down but to him there is no choice. He takes too many risks, leaps into action without planning, new people think he is maniacal and impulsive with his decisions. However, Rick and most of the original group know it must be ended to start fresh, get a clean slate and keep moving and pushing forward. He gets the job done –  it is that simple.

Always at his core is the need to protect his family be it blood or acquired.the-walking-dead-episode-609-rick-lincoln-935.0 (1)

I can understand that the opposite end of the spectrum we see Rick display brute force and coercion  on the negative side of things. I still find them necessary and coming from a position of positive intent. His decisions may seem black and white at times but someone has to make these decisions. He also knows that this is his role at his core. I would liken tit to  when Neo realises he is “ the one”  in The Matrix – it all taps into that line of thought. On countless occasions we see Rick doing what has to be done.r. That’s what leaders do. They lead. Last night’s episode was another embodiment of this.

Make a decision and see it through. He did this by opening the door and unleashing the Rick rage!


Fight or flight? He is a leader at his heart. He rallies the troops. This scene at first looks like suicide but it just takes one action to inspire others. Think William Wallace! Rick does this time again – he gives his rally speeches. Last night he chose to let his actions do the talking.

I am sure a lot of you would argue that Daryl possess these traits and he certainly he is right up there on this level but i still feel he sits somewhat left off center in this regard. He certainly embodies a lot of these traits especially during this scene …I feel like he has more secretive/assassin like tendencies. DAR.jpg

I tried to narrow this down as to why I so desperately want a Rick Grimes doppelganger to enter my life ….well…he is confident, mature and he is certain.  I can’t deal with indecisiveness and certainly not in a zombie apocalypse!  Major turn off.

I don’t quite think it would be ideal to pop that I am seeking  a Rick Grimes-esque man who has the warrior archetype traits on any dating profile yet… but if it meant I would have a forceful soul in my life with a “don’t fuck with me face” and knew when to fight and when to love then I am ready world.

I just hope I don’t have to wait for the zombie apocalypse for this to happen…sigh.